Program Details:

Crisis Services

Our emergency services allow survivors to get immediate support and connect with resources during a crisis situation.


24/7 hotline

Do you have a question about domestic violence, want to know about resources, or just want to talk to someone about your situation? Our hotline is available 24/7 if you need assistance.


crescent house: emergency safe housing

Crescent House offers immediate safe housing for people fleeing domestic abuse and/or sexual assault. Our confidential location provides short-term shelter to victims who are in immediate danger. Survivors visiting Crescent House have access to all Family Justice Center resources and services.


medical advocacy

Our staff and volunteer medical advocates accompany survivors and provide support during a forensic medical exam. Our advocates are on call 24/7 at University Medical Center and the NOFJC forensic program.  


safety planning

Are you worried about your physical or emotional safety due to abuse? Our case managers and advocates assist survivors with assessing safety risks, creating a safety plan, and understanding options and community resources.



Want to learn more?


Chat with a member of our staff to learn more about
our services or book an appointment.